Friday, September 29, 2006

MbUnit and null parameters

I've recently moved from NUnit to MbUnit.  I like the extra features it offers, in particular, the RowTest feature.  This allows a single test to take different parameters - the parameters of which are specified in the attributes.  Here's an example:


class Test { internal Test( string s ) { if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( s ) ) throw new ArgumentNullException( ) ; } } [ RowTest ] [ Row( @"Hello World!" )] [ Row( @"Another string" )] public void Test1( string val ) { Test t = new Test( val ); }


Here, Test1 is being given the parameters from the attributes on the test.  Previously, say, in NUnit, I'd have written a couple of unit tests that create this Test object and give it different values.  Normally, I'd also write a couple that would try and create one with a null string and an empty string and assert that it throws an ArgumentNullException.

Now, in MbUnit, I went to write the test like so:

[ RowTest ] [ Row( null , ExpectedException = typeof( ArgumentNullException ) ) ] [ Row( @"Hello World!" )] public void Test1( string val ) { Test t = new Test( val ); }

Strangely, this caused an internal error in MbUnit.  Reading around, It looks like MbUnit is taking the first parameter of Row and treating it as an array rather than a single parameter.  The complete non-obvious way around this is to cast the null to a string:


[ RowTest ] [ Row( (string)null , ExpectedException = typeof( ArgumentNullException ) ) ] [ Row( @"Hello World!" )] public void Test1( string val ) { Test t = new Test( val ); }

This now works.  Which is nice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great tip thanks!