Friday, September 29, 2006

MbUnit and null parameters

I've recently moved from NUnit to MbUnit.  I like the extra features it offers, in particular, the RowTest feature.  This allows a single test to take different parameters - the parameters of which are specified in the attributes.  Here's an example:


class Test { internal Test( string s ) { if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( s ) ) throw new ArgumentNullException( ) ; } } [ RowTest ] [ Row( @"Hello World!" )] [ Row( @"Another string" )] public void Test1( string val ) { Test t = new Test( val ); }


Here, Test1 is being given the parameters from the attributes on the test.  Previously, say, in NUnit, I'd have written a couple of unit tests that create this Test object and give it different values.  Normally, I'd also write a couple that would try and create one with a null string and an empty string and assert that it throws an ArgumentNullException.

Now, in MbUnit, I went to write the test like so:

[ RowTest ] [ Row( null , ExpectedException = typeof( ArgumentNullException ) ) ] [ Row( @"Hello World!" )] public void Test1( string val ) { Test t = new Test( val ); }

Strangely, this caused an internal error in MbUnit.  Reading around, It looks like MbUnit is taking the first parameter of Row and treating it as an array rather than a single parameter.  The complete non-obvious way around this is to cast the null to a string:


[ RowTest ] [ Row( (string)null , ExpectedException = typeof( ArgumentNullException ) ) ] [ Row( @"Hello World!" )] public void Test1( string val ) { Test t = new Test( val ); }

This now works.  Which is nice!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

.NET Memory usage - A restaurant analogy

Tess uses a great analogy of restaurant bookings to describe .NET memory usage.  The rest of the posts in this blog are also very interesting.  Thanks Tess.

Link to If broken it is, fix it you should : .NET Memory usage - A restaurant analogy

Thanks for the feedback on the CodeFormatter plugin

I'd like to thank everyone for their feedback on the CodeFormatter plugin.  I've had some great suggestions and fixed a few bugs.  Keep them coming!